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Multiple choice with guess correction Pass grade 5.5

Grade calculator multiple choice with guess correction | Pass grade 5.5

With this non-linear method the number of questions on a multiple choice test that the candidate would have correct by guessing (guess score) is not included in determining the caesura. The caesura is determined over the remaining points achievable score. The ceasura is the grade at which an exam is passed. 

The ceasura or pass grade is the breaking point between:

  • Linear from 10 to the ceasura (5.5) and then
  • Linear from the ceasura (5.5) to 1.

The ceasura that can be chosen is 70%, 65%, 60%, 56%, 55% and 50%

A score of 0 will generate a grade 1.

For example:

There are 50 multiple choice questions with 4 answer options. Each correct question gives 1 point, so a total of 50 points can be achieved. With guessing there is a 25% chance of answering a question correctly. A total of 25% of the 50 questions will be answered correctly. The guess rate is 12.5 points. The remaining number of points is 37.5 points. If for example a required knowledge of 60% is used then 22.5 points are required. So a total of 12.5 (guessing rate) + 22.5 (60% of remaining) = 35 points must be achieved for a grade of 5.5. The caesura in this example is 35 points.

An alternative method for calculating grades for a multiple choice exam is to use a higher than normal caesure with the grade calculators caesura by percentage or ceasura by point. offers calculators and methods for teacher and lecturer to calculate the grade for a test or exam in secondary or high school VMBO, Havo, VWO, college or HBO, University or course in the Netherlands based on the 10-point system.