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Grade calculator with Normeringsterm

Grade calculator Dutch N-term or normeringsterm

The N term or Normeringsterm is a variable that is used to determine the grade in school exams and central final exams in Dutch secondary education or college (VMBO, HAVO, VWO). The N term is variable and often lies between 0 and 2, with the standard being 1. In exams, the score to be achieved is also called the scale length. The N term is announced per subject in the period after the central written examinations.

On this site the N term or Normeringsterm calculations are the same for satisfactory 5.5 and satisfactory 6.0. The only difference is the color scheme in the conversion table.

  • Was the exam or test passable?
    N term will be 1. 50% correct results in a grade 5.5.

  • Was the exam or test easy?
    N term smaller than 1. This reduces the grades obtained. Standard term 0 generally results in a reduction of 1 grade point. 50% correct results in a grade 4.5.

  • Was the exam or test difficult?
    N term greater than 1. This makes the grades obtained higher. Standard term 2 generally gives an increase of 1 grade point. 50% correct results in a grade 6.5. offers calculators and methods for teacher and lecturer to calculate the grade for a test or exam in secondary or high school VMBO, Havo, VWO, college or HBO, University or course in the Netherlands based on the 10-point system.