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Grade calculator with caesura 5.5 at certain percentage

Grade calculator ceasura 5.5 at certain percentage

Use this non-linear calculation or method to calculate the grade with ceasura by percentage. Ceasura is the grade at which an exam is passed. Determine at what percentage of the total achievable score a 5.5 is scored.

The ceasura or pass grade is the breaking point between:

  • Linear from 10 to the ceasura (5.5) and then
  • Linear from the ceasura (5.5) to 1.

The ceasura options are 80%, 75%, 70%, 65%, 60% and 55%.

A score of 0 will generate a grade 1.

Dit is een voorbeeldgrafiek van de methode cecuur gebaseerd op percentage. In dit voorbeeld ligt de cesuur op 80%. Bij deze 80% wordt een 6.0 behaald. Vervolgens van 6.0 lineair naar een 1 bij 0 punten. offers calculators and methods for teacher and lecturer to calculate the grade for a test or exam in secondary or high school VMBO, Havo, VWO, college or HBO, University or course in the Netherlands based on the 10-point system.