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Grade calculator amount incorrect per grade

Grade calculator amount incorrect per grade | Pass grade 5.5

Calculate the grade for a test or exam with the amount incorrect per grade method. For instance 4 incorrect answers will give a grade 9. The amount of incorrect for a grade 6.0 is also calculated. This method is linear.

On this site the grade calculators for error per point are logically the same for satisfactory 5.5 and satisfactory 6.0. The only difference is the color scheme in the result table.

Dit is een voorbeeldgrafiek van de methode fout per punt aftrek. In deze voorbeeldfgrafiek wordt 2 fout per punt aftrek gerekend. offers calculators and methods for teacher and lecturer to calculate the grade for a test or exam in secondary or high school VMBO, Havo, VWO, college or HBO, University or course in the Netherlands based on the 10-point system.